How successful people who feel
by their accomplishments are uncovering what is holding them back from life.
by their accomplishments are uncovering
what is holding them back from life.
(If you’ve ever felt like this, scroll down and read immediately.)
It's time to ditch the secret identity
Start your Hero Journey
Click Here if you would like to learn more about Dr. Chris Zaino, the founder of the I AM HERO movement and creator of this course.
Rise up to new levels of happiness & success
"Who should enroll in this course?"
I’m Dr. Chris Zaino, and I believe that everybody is born with seeds of greatness and capable of heroic things if given the chance. I seek to unlock this hidden potential in every man, woman, and child I am able to reach. Rather than let people silently grieve their potential, I exist to wake up the hero that we know is hidden within each of us.
This course is my attempt to reach those of you who are looking for change and are ready to put in the work to make it happen. This course isn’t for the faint of heart, as it was created for doers who aren’t afraid to take leaps and make changes. You should only enroll in the I AM HERO course if you are a highly driven person who’s tired of mediocrity and is eager to break free of the mental blocks holding you back from getting to the next level in your life, even if you’re not sure where that is yet.
- Feel depressed, anxious, fearful, unfulfilled, or unhappy but you’re not sure why, because you already have a great deal of success, maybe more than the average person does
- Ever thought you were going through a quarter, or mid-life crisis
- Know there’s something deep inside you that needs to be released, but you’re not sure what it is and how to get it out
- Are on the edge of burnout
- Find yourself at a crossroads, feeling the urge to pursue something greater, but also feeling the weight of responsibility to provide security for your family
If you have experienced any of these feelings, you are definitely not alone. Most people would attribute these feelings to a “mid-life crisis,” but this in’t correct. Why? Well for one, you are not “most people.” You’ve achieved a level of success that far surpasses most of the average, everyday workers out there, yet you are still experiencing a sense of uneasiness. That’s why I call what you are experiencing a “Crisis of Life.”
If you are experiencing one of these “Crisis’ of Life,” don’t stress because there is a solution that can leave you feeling happier and more driven to chase success (I’ll get to this later) but first you must complete the three stages of “Hero Awareness,” so you can transcend mediocrity and reach your full potential.
Combat your "Crisis of Life"
The 3 Stages of Hero Awareness
Acknowledge the crisis of life
There’s something very specific causing it that I’m going to get to in a moment, but first you have to understand that within this “crisis” is something great:
A call to action.
When these feelings start to pop up, they’re not telling you something is wrong with you… They’re letting you know it’s time to change.
Break free from the secret identity
What’s causing your Crisis Of Life? It’s something I like to call the Secret Identity. It’s the role you assumed when you decided you were going to let the world dictate who and what you are. Lucky for you, this Crisis Of Life is letting you know that you’re ready to strip yourself of the Secret Identity that you’ve come to accept.
Think about it…
At this point in your life, are you really living for yourself? Or are you living the values that the external world has placed on you? Are you living just for money? What about your family? Spouse? Parents? Have you given up on what you want to make them happy?
Then you’re living in your Secret Identity, which is the enemy of the Hero. Resurrecting the hero inside you is the antidote to living a life lacking fulfillment.
Embrace the Hero's Mindset
If you’d like to finally be done with your Crisis Of Life (and if you’re going through one, I know you can feel it—I’ve been there, too) and you’re ready to shake the Secret Identity then you must embrace the Hero’s Mindset, and go deep inside yourself to overhaul the feelings keeping you stuck. The most powerful force in the world you can use to combat your Secret Identity is to let the Hero within you shine. It sounds a little woo woo-y, but listen…
You know there’s a difference between the energy and drive you had when you first started climbing that ladder to greatness and where you’re at now.
And that’s why the first battle that needs to be fought is the battle within.
Courage in the face of adversity is one of the characteristics of the hero, but it’s the fighting spirit that will ensure victory as you push towards the next chapter in your life.
There’s a particular set of actions and steps you can take which will allow you to push beyond what may seem like a depression, or a mid-life crisis.
I’ll outline them for you in just a second, so keep reading.
With this specific system, I’m going to show you how to find success beyond the material by creating meaningful change for the world, and how you can become recognized for your unique abilities, without having to give up your life.
You are built different
Are you ready To Have A Massive Impact On The World, Do Meaningful Work That’s Lucrative And Inspirational, and Join A Global Movement Of Change-makers That Are Being Recognized For More Than “What They Do?"
If you’d like to finally be done with your Crisis Of Life (and if you’re going through one, I know you can feel it—I’ve been there, too) and you’re ready to shake the Secret Identity then you must embrace the Hero’s Mindset, and go deep inside yourself to overhaul the feelings keeping you stuck. The most powerful force in the world you can use to combat your Secret Identity is to let the Hero within you shine. It sounds a little woo woo-y, but hear me out…
You know there’s a difference between the energy and drive you had when you first started climbing that ladder to greatness and where you’re at now. And that’s why the first battle that needs to be fought is the battle within.
Courage in the face of adversity is one of the characteristics of the hero, but it’s the fighting spirit that will ensure victory as you push towards the next chapter in your life.
But more importantly, with this specific system I’m going to show you how to find success beyond the material by creating meaningful change for the world, and how you can become recognized for your unique abilities, without having to give up your life… Because there’s always a new level of success to reach.
- How to increase your joy, productivity, and impact by embracing the Hero’s Mindset so you can do work that matters, help others, and wake up everyday energized by a sense of belonging that few experience.
- Why “follow your passion” is the worst advice, and the systematic process for achieving a level of happiness even the most successful and powerful people in the world can only imagine (if only they used this process they’d be successful AND satisfied).
- Create more freedom and intimacy with yourself and other relationships you might have lost while climbing the ladder of success.
- Discover how to share your message with the world at a rapid pace, build a massive tribe that believes in your mission as much as you do, and become iconic for your unique abilities.
- What your “Secret Identity” is, why it’s been holding you back from reaching your highest potential, and how you can breakthrough your limitations and hush that nagging feeling of being empty and alone once and for all.
- Become part of a worldwide movement of superheroes all working together to create lasting change in the world by resurrecting the inner-hero in all of us
Have you ever reached a certain level of success in your life, looked around, and thought, “Is this it…?”
Or maybe you want to make a bigger impact because deep down you don’t feel fulfilled by everything you’ve accomplished (or maybe you do, but you still can’t shake the nagging feeling of negativity when you wake up unsure of what to do next.)
Well… I have felt this way and I’d like to share my story so you can understand how the information in this course changed my life; as well as countless others who have completed the I AM HERO course.
My name is Dr. Chris Zaino, I’m a world-renowned speaker, author, and founder of one of the top Wellness practices in the world that I grew all the way up to $3.3M in only 4 years.
“This can’t be it… right?”
One night, after an incredibly long work day, I came home exhausted, and I overheard my son ask my wife, “Mom, what’s wrong with daddy?”
Finally, after a lot of digging and soul-searching, I had to define what success really meant to me and I came to the realization that all I really wanted was to help others improve their lives and be admired by the ones I love.
This self-reflection helped me tremendously and caused the emotional callouses to melt off my heart. I came alive. I had rediscovered the purpose of my life. I wanted to be a superhero… after all, I even wore superhero pajamas as a kid. I realized that my definition of success was also what inspired me to become a doctor… not the money (even though that is a good perk.) I need to serve and help others and save lives.
Even though I had contributed to society and improved thousands of lives with treatment, all the money and countless accolades and awards along the way made me loose sight of my goal and motivation, replacing them with other distractions. Once I remembered my purpose and personal definition of success, I was able to realign my life and finally quit robbing myself of happiness.
So what did all this self-reflection lead to? I got scared and shrunk. I didn’t know how to balance my current demands with my life goals. After all, I had worked so hard over the past couple of years to grow my business and make money.
The last thing I wanted to do was walk away from my business, where I was making $2.5 million a year, but when you realize you’re living half of your life that idea will torment you. You’ll wake up every morning and it will drive you mad.
So I decided to leave it all. You might think I’m crazy or be questioning why I decided to leave it all behind? I’ve personally seen millionaires who sell their business for hundreds of millions of dollars who can’t appreciate it simply because they are too depressed to enjoy it. That’s not what I wanted, so I made the decision to share everything I’ve learned on this incredible journey with you as a way to pursue my purpose of helping others and changing the world.

Redefine your Success
It's time to take action & Change your life.
You know it’s time to make a change. You’re ready.
That’s why today I’d like to invite you to join the I AM HERO online course. This is my brand new system that outlines every single part of the I AM Hero process.
It’s not just some typical online course that outlines a few basics and then leaves you to figure it all out on your own; Not only is the course jam-packed with information on how to activate your inner-hero and change the world, but the processes AND the content inside are state-of-the art.
It’s a completely immersive experience unlike anything else out there, where I’ll guide you to be the hero you were meant to be.
I Am Hero: Module #1
The Secret Identity
- Discover how society has tricked you into thinking about success the wrong way, how the education system helped block your sense of self, AND how you can rewire your brain to break free of the chains society has placed you in.
- Where “Super Confidence” comes from and how you can use your strengths to get to another level of success where you feel fully satisfied with your life, even if you’re already confident and accomplished.
- How to overcome the 6 most destructive fears that cause you not to act on your true desires, so you can resurrect the hero within and be 6 steps closer to living and breathing your dream.
- Discover how society has tricked you into thinking about success the wrong way, how the education system helped block your sense of self, AND how you can rewire your brain to break free of the chains society has placed you in.
- Where “Super Confidence” comes from and how you can use your strengths to get to another level of success where you feel fully satisfied with your life, even if you’re already confident and accomplished.
- How to overcome the 6 most destructive fears that cause you not to act on your true desires, so you can resurrect the hero within and be 6 steps closer to living and breathing your dream.
I Am Hero: Module #2
Embracing the Hero's Mindset
- Discover how to embrace the hero’s mindset and feel confidence you’ve never experienced before that you can access any time (even at your lowest moments when you’re feeling depressed and anxious, you’ll know how to pick yourself back up) and how it’s different from the “High Achievers” mindset, because what got you to where you’re at now won’t get you to where you want to go.
- The one secret to success that all high performers who’ve become full-blown heroes across the globe understand to be true, and how to use it to 10X the value in your relationships, health, and your business (there’s a formula to true success that millions of already high-achieving people use and I share it with you here).
- The perfectionist myth that’s holding you back from moving forward in your life and what you can do to counter it so you can crush your goals every day, week, and year so you get more done than you ever thought possible.
- Discover how to embrace the hero’s mindset and feel confidence you’ve never experienced before that you can access any time (even at your lowest moments when you’re feeling depressed and anxious, you’ll know how to pick yourself back up) and how it’s different from the “High Achievers” mindset, because what got you to where you’re at now won’t get you to where you want to go.
- The one secret to success that all high performers who’ve become full-blown heroes across the globe understand to be true, and how to use it to 10X the value in your relationships, health, and your business (there’s a formula to true success that millions of already high-achieving people use and I share it with you here).
- The perfectionist myth that’s holding you back from moving forward in your life and what you can do to counter it so you can crush your goals every day, week, and year so you get more done than you ever thought possible.
I Am Hero: Module #3
Maximizing your Superpower
- How to rediscover your unique gifts and talents and maximize them so you can live your life exchanging value for doing things you actually enjoy—no more waking up anxious and unfulfilled.
- Exactly how to attract others to your mission so you can build a tribe of committed heroes who are all working towards the same vision and be recognized as the leader of a group creating something that’s never been brought into this world before.
- Build your heroic story, develop your hero muscle, and discover how to profitably channel your energy into what you were meant to do so you can create a ripple of impact.
- How to rediscover your unique gifts and talents and maximize them so you can live your life exchanging value for doing things you actually enjoy—no more waking up anxious and unfulfilled.
- Exactly how to attract others to your mission so you can build a tribe of committed heroes who are all working towards the same vision and be recognized as the leader of a group creating something that’s never been brought into this world before.
- Build your heroic story, develop your hero muscle, and discover how to profitably channel your energy into what you were meant to do so you can create a ripple of impact.
I Am Hero: Module #4
Choosing Your Vehicle of Influence
- Why now is the single best time in history to share your message with the world, and how to select the right vehicle for you to have the greatest effect on the people you want to serve (I’m going to walk you through a step-by-step process to do this).
- Turn your daily social media habits into attractive marketing pieces that draw more people to your mission every single day just by talking about things you love.
- How to perfect your message and begin sharing your influence with the world in only 28 days.
- Why now is the single best time in history to share your message with the world, and how to select the right vehicle for you to have the greatest effect on the people you want to serve (I’m going to walk you through a step-by-step process to do this).
- Turn your daily social media habits into attractive marketing pieces that draw more people to your mission every single day just by talking about things you love.
- How to perfect your message and begin sharing your influence with the world in only 28 days.
I Am Hero: Module #5
Monetize your message for
the survival of your legacy
- The secret to chasing your dream in a profitable way, because you don’t have to go for broke, you can create change in the world while making money if you follow the steps outlined here.
- How to use what I call “Hero Enhancers” to help you turn your superpowers into profitable endeavors so you can scale and build a heroic empire.
- How to profitably create an ultimate lasting impact in your life and leave your mark on the world for generations to come.
- The secret to chasing your dream in a profitable way, because you don’t have to go for broke, you can create change in the world while making money if you follow the steps outlined here.
- How to use what I call “Hero Enhancers” to help you turn your superpowers into profitable endeavors so you can scale and build a heroic empire.
- How to profitably create an ultimate lasting impact in your life and leave your mark on the world for generations to come.
The time has come for you to make a choice
Once you start to do real work that matters to you, you’ll see the true power of embracing your truth and your hero. Your relationships will improve, and your health will improve. Your clarity and understanding of yourself and the world around you will be so crystal clear you’ll only ever remember the times where you felt fearful and scared to remind yourself what life was like before.
But the choice is yours. You can continue to live in your current reality, with indecision, fatigue, and fear guiding your life; waiting for “some day” to come, or you can choose to join me, and thousands of others all over the world, on a new journey… The Hero Rises.